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Pulling your Dataset for Evaluation

To start using your legal document dataset for evaluation, you’ll need to:

  1. Pull your dataset from Confident AI.
  2. Compute the summaries.
  3. Begin running evaluations.

Pulling Your Dataset

Pulling a dataset from Confident AI is as simple as calling the pull method from an EvaluationDataset and providing the dataset alias, or name that you defined on Confident AI.

from deepeval import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset()
dataset.pull(alias="Legal Documents Dataset", auto_convert_goldens_to_test_cases=False)

By default, auto_convert_goldens_to_test_cases is True, but it will raise an error if your dataset, Legal Documents Dataset, hasn't been populated with summaries in the actual_output field, which is a mandatory field in a test case. Learn more about test cases here.

Converting Goldens to Test Cases

Next, we'll convert the goldens in the dataset we pulled into LLMTestCases and add them to our evaluation dataset. This is much simpler than parsing your PDF documents every single time you run an evaluation!

from deepeval.test_case import LLMTestCase

for golden in dataset.goldens:
actual_output = llm.summarize(golden.input) # Replace with logic to compute actual output


Evaluating Your Dataset

Finally, run the evaluate function to run evaluations on your newly pulled dataset.

from deepeval import evaluate

metrics = [concision metric, completeness_metric], # add more metrics as you deem fit
hyperparameters={"model": model, "prompt template": prompt_template}