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Quick Summary

In deepeval, an evaluation dataset, or just dataset, is a collection of LLMTestCases and/or Goldens. There are three approaches to evaluating datasets in deepeval:

  1. using @pytest.mark.parametrize and assert_test
  2. using evaluate
  3. using confident_evaluate (evaluates on Confident AI instead of locally)

Evaluating a dataset means exactly the same as evaluating your LLM system, because by definition a dataset contains all the information produced by your LLM needed for evaluation.

You should also aim to group test cases of a certain category together in an EvaluationDataset. This will allow you to follow best practices:

  • Ensure telling test coverage: A well-structured dataset should reflect the full range of real-world inputs the LLM is expected to handle. This includes diverse linguistic styles, varying levels of complexity, and edge cases that challenge the model’s robustness. Don't just include test cases that are easy to pass.
  • Focused, quantitative test cases: A dataset should be designed with a clear evaluation scope while allowing for multiple relevant performance metrics. Rather than being overly broad or too narrow, it should be structured to provide meaningful, statistically reliable insights.
  • Define clear objectives: Each dataset should align with a well-defined evaluation goal, ensuring that test cases serve a specific analytical purpose. While organizing test cases into distinct datasets can provide clarity, unnecessary fragmentation should be avoided if multiple aspects of an LLM’s performance are best assessed together.

If you don't already have an EvaluationDataset, a great starting point is to simply write down the prompts you're currently using to manually eyeball your LLM outputs. You can also do this on Confident AI which integrates 100% with deepeval:

Full documentation for datasets on Confident AI [here.](/confident-ai/confident-ai-evaluation-dataset-management)

Create A Dataset

An EvaluationDataset in deepeval is simply a collection of LLMTestCases and/or Goldens.


A Golden is extremely very similar to an LLMTestCase, but they are more flexible as they do not require an actual_output at initialization. On the flip side, whilst test cases are always ready for evaluation, a golden isn't.

With Test Cases

from deepeval.test_case import LLMTestCase
from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

first_test_case = LLMTestCase(input="...", actual_output="...")
second_test_case = LLMTestCase(input="...", actual_output="...")

test_cases = [first_test_case, second_test_case]

dataset = EvaluationDataset(test_cases=test_cases)

You can also append a test case to an EvaluationDataset through the test_cases instance variable:


# or

With Goldens

You should opt to initialize EvaluationDatasets with goldens if you're looking to generate LLM outputs at evaluation time. This usually means your original dataset does not contain precomputed outputs, but only the inputs you want to evaluate your LLM (application) on.

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset, Golden

first_golden = Golden(input="...")
second_golden = Golden(input="...")

dataset = EvaluationDataset(goldens=goldens)

A Golden and LLMTestCase contains almost an identical class signature, so technically you can also supply other parameters such as the actual_output when creating a Golden.

Generate A Dataset


We highly recommend you to checkout the Synthesizer page to see the customizations available and how data synthesization work in deepeval. All methods in an EvaluationDataset that can be used to generate goldens uses the Synthesizer under the hood and has exactly the same function signature as corresponding methods in the Synthesizer.

deepeval offers anyone the ability to easily generate synthetic datasets from documents locally on your machine. This is especially helpful if you don't have an evaluation dataset prepared beforehand.

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset()
dataset.generate_goldens_from_docs(document_paths=['example.txt', 'example.docx', 'example.pdf'])

In this example, we've used the generate_goldens_from_docs method, which one one of the three generation methods offered by deepeval's Synthesizer. The three methods include:

Under the hood, these 3 methods calls the corresponding methods in deepeval's Synthesizer with the exact same parameters, with an addition of a synthesizer parameter for you to customize your generation pipeline.

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset
from deepeval.synthesizer import Synthesizer

# Use gpt-3.5-turbo instead
synthesizer = Synthesizer(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")

deepeval's Synthesizer uses a series of evolution techniques to complicate and make generated goldens more realistic to human prepared data. For more information on how deepeval's Synthesizer works, visit the synthesizer section.

Save Your Dataset

You can save your dataset locally to either a CSV or JSON file by using the save_as() method:


dataset.save_as(file_type="csv", directory="./deepeval-test-dataset", include_test_cases=True)

There are TWO mandatory and ONE optional parameter when calling the save_as() method:

  • file_type: a string of either "csv" or "json" and specifies which file format to save Goldens in.
  • directory: a string specifying the path of the directory you wish to save Goldens at.
  • include_test_cases: a boolean which when set to True, will also save any test cases within your dataset. Defaulted to False.

By default the save_as() method only saves the Goldens within your EvaluationDataset to file. If you wish to save test cases as well, set include_test_cases to True.

Load an Existing Dataset

deepeval offers support for loading datasetes stored in JSON files, CSV files, and hugging face datasets into an EvaluationDataset as either test cases or goldens.

From Confident AI

You can load entire datasets on Confident AI's cloud in one line of code.

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset()
dataset.pull(alias="My Evals Dataset")
Did Your Know?

You can create, annotate, and comment on datasets on Confident AI? You can also upload datasets in CSV format, or push synthetic datasets created in deepeval to Confident AI in one line of code.

For more information, visit the Confident AI datasets section.


You can loading an existing EvaluationDataset you might have generated elsewhere by supplying a file_path to your .json file as either test cases or goldens. Your .json file should contain an array of objects (or list of dictionaries).

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset()

# Add as test cases
# file_path is the absolute path to you .json file

# Or, add as goldens
# file_path is the absolute path to you .json file

Loading datasets as goldens are especially helpful if you're looking to generate LLM actual_outputs at evaluation time. You might find yourself in this situation if you are generating data for testing or using historical data from production.

From CSV

You can add test cases or goldens into your EvaluationDataset by supplying a file_path to your .csv file. Your .csv file should contain rows that can be mapped into LLMTestCases through their column names.

Remember, parameters such as context should be a list of strings and in the context of CSV files, it means you have to supply a context_col_delimiter argument to tell deepeval how to split your context cells into a list of strings.

from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset()

# Add as test cases
# file_path is the absolute path to you .csv file
context_col_delimiter= ";",
retrieval_context_col_delimiter= ";"

# Or, add as goldens
# file_path is the absolute path to you .csv file

Since expected_output, context, retrieval_context, tools_called, and expected_tools are optional parameters for an LLMTestCase, these fields are similarily optional parameters when adding test cases from an existing dataset.

Evaluate Your Dataset Using deepeval


Before we begin, we highly recommend logging into Confident AI to keep track of all evaluation results created by deepeval on the cloud:

deepeval login

With Pytest

deepeval utilizes the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator to loop through entire datasets.
import deepeval
from deepeval import assert_test
from deepeval.test_case import LLMTestCase
from deepeval.metrics import HallucinationMetric, AnswerRelevancyMetric
from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset(test_cases=[...])

def test_customer_chatbot(test_case: LLMTestCase):
hallucination_metric = HallucinationMetric(threshold=0.3)
answer_relevancy_metric = AnswerRelevancyMetric(threshold=0.5)
assert_test(test_case, [hallucination_metric, answer_relevancy_metric])

def function_to_be_called_after_test_run():
print("Test finished!")

Iterating through an dataset object implicitly loops through the test cases in an dataset. To iterate through goldens, you can do it by accessing dataset.goldens instead.

To run several tests cases at once in parallel, use the optional -n flag followed by a number (that determines the number of processes that will be used) when executing deepeval test run:

deepeval test run -n 3

Without Pytest

You can use deepeval's evaluate function to evaluate datasets. This approach avoids the CLI, but does not allow for parallel test execution.

from deepeval import evaluate
from deepeval.metrics import HallucinationMetric, AnswerRelevancyMetric
from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset(test_cases=[...])
hallucination_metric = HallucinationMetric(threshold=0.3)
answer_relevancy_metric = AnswerRelevancyMetric(threshold=0.5)

dataset.evaluate([hallucination_metric, answer_relevancy_metric])

# You can also call the evaluate() function directly
evaluate(dataset, [hallucination_metric, answer_relevancy_metric])

Visit the test cases section to learn what argument the evaluate() function accepts.

Evaluate Your Dataset on Confident AI

Instead of running evaluations locally using your own evaluation LLMs via deepeval, you can choose to run evaluations on Confident AI's infrastructure instead. First, login to Confident AI:

deepeval login

Then, define metrics by creating an experiment on Confident AI. You can start running evaluations immediately by simply sending over your evaluation dataset and providing the name of the experiment you previously created via deepeval:

from deepeval import confident_evaluate
from deepeval.dataset import EvaluationDataset

dataset = EvaluationDataset(test_cases=[...])

confident_evaluate(experiment_name="My First Experiment", dataset)

You can find the full tutorial on running evaluations on Confident AI here.