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Json Correctness

The json correctness metric measures whether your LLM application is able to generate actual_outputs with the correct json schema.


The JsonCorrectnessMetric like the ToolCorrectnessMetric is not an LLM-eval, and you'll have to supply your expected Json schema when creating a JsonCorrectnessMetric.

Required Arguments

To use the JsonCorrectnessMetric, you'll have to provide the following arguments when creating an LLMTestCase:

  • input
  • actual_output


First define your schema by creating a pydantic BaseModel:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class ExampleSchema(BaseModel):
name: str

If your actual_output is a list of JSON objects, you can simply create a list schema by wrapping your existing schema in a RootModel. For example:

from pydantic import RootModel
from typing import List


class ExampleSchemaList(RootModel[List[ExampleSchema]]):

Then supply it as the expected_schema when creating a JsonCorrectnessMetric:

from deepeval import evaluate
from deepeval.metrics import JsonCorrectnessMetric
from deepeval.test_case import LLMTestCase

metric = JsonCorrectnessMetric(
test_case = LLMTestCase(
input="Output me a random Json with the 'name' key",
# Replace this with the actual output from your LLM application
actual_output="{'name': null}"


There are one mandatory and six optional parameters when creating an PromptAlignmentMetric:

  • expected_schema: a pydantic BaseModel specifying the schema of the Json that is expected from your LLM.
  • [Optional] threshold: a float representing the minimum passing threshold, defaulted to 0.5.
  • [Optional] model: a string specifying which of OpenAI's GPT models to use to generate reasons, OR any custom LLM model of type DeepEvalBaseLLM. Defaulted to 'gpt-4o'.
  • [Optional] include_reason: a boolean which when set to True, will include a reason for its evaluation score. Defaulted to True.
  • [Optional] strict_mode: a boolean which when set to True, enforces a binary metric score: 1 for perfection, 0 otherwise. It also overrides the current threshold and sets it to 1. Defaulted to False.
  • [Optional] async_mode: a boolean which when set to True, enables concurrent execution within the measure() method. Defaulted to True.
  • [Optional] verbose_mode: a boolean which when set to True, prints the intermediate steps used to calculate said metric to the console, as outlined in the How Is It Calculated section. Defaulted to False.

Unlike other metrics, the model is used for generating reason instead of evaluation. It will only be used if the actual_output has the wrong schema, AND if include_reason is set to True.

How Is It Calculated?

The PromptAlignmentMetric score is calculated according to the following equation:

Json Corectness={1If the actual output fits the expected schema,0Otherwise\text{Json Corectness} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{If the actual output fits the expected schema}, \\ 0 & \text{Otherwise} \end{cases}

The JsonCorrectnessMetric does not use an LLM for evaluation and instead uses the provided expected_schema to determine whether the actual_output can be loaded into the schema.